Request Payment

Request payments directly through Payit

The most digital-savvy way to request payments

Request money from your contacts now through Payit. All you need to do is scan the QR code or select a contact name through the app, and voila! There you have it.

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What are the benefits of Request Payment?

You can request your friend, colleague, or roommate to pay you the money they owe you by also sending them a reminder through Payit. The app will notify them about your request, like a gentle reminder to pay you.

What if the sender is not a Payit user?

You can also request money from someone who is not a Payit user. All you need to do is select a contact name through the app, add in the amount you wish to request, confirm and send. You can also add a note to the request if you wish to explain the reason for the request. They can make the transfer to you without signing up or downloading Payit.

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How to request for payment

Sending a payment request is just as easy as sending a friend’s request. You can send a request for payment from Payit users and even those who are not Payit users.

Tap on request payment

Tap the Payit button and select 'Request Payment'

Add Details

Search the name in your contact list and press request. You can also get your friends
to scan your unique QR code to pay you instantly

Enter amount

Add the amount and note and press “Request”