Category: Financial Literacy

Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Content Creator

Content creation has become quite popular recently, especially during the pandemic. With the right skills and passion, you can become a content creator. All you need is the required devices, i.e., a laptop, internet connection, video camera, and more, and you can start your journey.

Ways to Fix Your Bad Credit Score in UAE

A credit score is a crucial aspect of financial planning. A good credit score in UAE determines the ease with which you can secure loans, credit cards, and other forms of financing.
A good credit score can open doors to favourable interest rates and terms, while a poor credit score can hinder your financial opportunities. In the UAE, credit scores range from 300 to 900, with higher scores indicating better creditworthiness.

Save Big in Dubai – 5 Tricks You Need to Know

Many people dream of living in Dubai, drawn to its luxurious lifestyle, modern amenities, and vibrant culture. However, to sustain a comfortable life in Dubai, you must manage your finances wisely.
While it may seem complex initially, with a disciplined approach to saving and investing, you can quickly achieve your financial goals in Dubai. This article will cover 5 tricks for saving money in Dubai.

Side Hustle Ideas You Can Try to Make Income in Dubai

Dubai offers numerous opportunities for those looking to boost their income through side hustles. Whether seeking extra cash or hoping to turn a passion into profit, there’s something for everyone.

How to Reduce Traffic Fines in the UAE?

The UAE is known for its strict traffic rules, which are designed to ensure all road users’ safety. These rules touch on various aspects, from speeding to parking violations. To avoid hefty fines, it is crucial to be acquainted with these laws, respect them, and use the available tools to lessen any incurred penalties. In this article, we will cover how to reduce your traffic fines in the UAE effectively.

A Quick Guide to Investing AED 1,000 in the UAE

A Chinese proverb says, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now.” This fits perfectly when it comes to investing money. No amount is small; now is the best time to build a future for yourself and your family.

How to Use Nafis Correctly? Do’s and Don’ts of Nafis Program

The Nafis program is an innovative initiative in the United Arab Emirates that aims to enhance employment opportunities for Emiratis. It encourages government and private sector collaboration to create a sustainable and inclusive workforce.

The 50:30:20 Rule of Managing Payments and Savings

It’s often tricky to decide how much to spend on essential things, how much to use for fun, and how much to save. That’s where the 50:30:20 rule comes in – it’s like a simple guide that tells you how to split your money. This plan is to make sure you cover all your needs, have some fun, and still save for the future.

Best Way to Secure Payments as a Freelancer in the UAE

Freelancing offers more flexibility and potentially higher earnings, but timely and secure payments can be challenging when working with multiple clients. Therefore, having a secure payment system in place is crucial. This article covers the best payment method to receive funds in the UAE without opening a bank account.

How to Check Hafilat Card Balance and Recharge Online?

The Hafilat Card is a card you can use to access public places and public transportation in Abu Dhabi. With many perks and features, it’s your key to a more convenient and relaxed travel experience.
However, recharging these cards isn’t always convenient since you need to go to its dedicated kiosk or enter your card number on its official website whenever you recharge your card.