Renting Vs. Buying Property in UAE – Which is Better?

  • July 18, 2024
  • 04:10 Minutes


In 2024, property prices in Dubai are expected to increase by 5-10%, driven by high demand and limited supply. This is beneficial if you already own a property. However, you may face a dilemma if you want to buy or rent residential/ commercial property, as real estate prices can significantly impact your decision.

This article details whether you should rent or buy a property in the UAE in 2024. Let’s get started.

Should Rent Vs. Buy Property in Dubai in 2024?

Here are a few factors you should consider to determine whether renting or buying a property is beneficial for you.

Associated Cost

Cost is the biggest and most important factor in deciding whether to rent or buy a property in the UAE.

Commitment and Responsibly

Renting provides great flexibility, giving tenants the freedom to move without the stress of selling a property. This is ideal for expatriates or individuals with uncertain long-term plans.

Since the landlords are responsible for maintenance in renting a property, renters don’t need to worry about it.

On the other hand, homeownership ties individuals to a specific location, making relocation more challenging. Selling a property can be time-consuming and subject to market conditions. Additionally, owners are responsible for all maintenance and repair costs, which can cost a lot over time.

Career Prospects and Choices

For individuals whose careers involve frequent relocations or who work in industries with high mobility, renting can offer the flexibility needed to move without the constraints of property ownership. For instance, professionals in the tech industry or international business may find renting more suitable to accommodate job transfers or project-based assignments.

On the other hand, those with stable, long-term employment in a specific location may benefit from buying, as it offers stability and potential financial growth through property appreciation.

Retirement Plans

Retirement planning plays a crucial role in buying or renting a property in the UAE. For those planning to settle in a particular location for retirement, buying property can provide stability and reduce living costs in the long term.

Owning a home can also be seen as an investment that may be appreciated, offering financial security during retirement. Conversely, retirees who prefer a more nomadic lifestyle or wish to travel extensively might find renting more suitable, as it provides the flexibility to relocate without the burden of property maintenance.

Preferred Duration of Stay

The intended duration of stay in a particular location is a critical factor. If an individual plans to stay in one place for an extended period, buying a home can be more cost-effective than renting.

For instance, over 10-years, the total cost of renting a property in Dubai can be comparable to the cost of owning, but owning provides the opportunity for equity buildup. However, for those uncertain about their long-term stay and plans, renting offers the flexibility to move without the complexities of selling a property.

Need for Flexibility

Flexibility is a significant advantage of renting. Individuals anticipating changes in their personal or professional lives, such as starting a family, changing jobs, or pursuing further education, may prefer renting.

Renting provides the freedom to adjust living arrangements quickly and without the financial burden of selling a property. On the other hand, buying a home offers less flexibility but provides a sense of permanence and stability, which can be beneficial for those with long-term commitments in a specific location.

What is Better Renting vs Buying a Property in Dubai?

Consider renting a property in Dubai, if you have-

  • Short-Term Plans: If your stay in Dubai is short-term or you anticipate frequent relocations, renting is the more practical choice.
  • Lower Upfront Costs: Renting requires lower initial financial commitments, making it suitable for individuals who prefer liquidity and minimal upfront costs.
  • Maintenance: Enjoy fewer maintenance responsibilities, as landlords handle major repairs.
  • Choice of Neighbourhood: Renting provides the flexibility to select various neighbourhoods and experiences without making long-term commitments.

Consider buying a property in Dubai, if you have-

  • Long-Term Investment: If you plan to stay in Dubai for five years or more, buying a property offers long-term financial benefits through capital appreciation and equity buildup.
  • Stable Income: With a stable job and financial security, homeownership can be a rewarding investment. Monthly installments can be the same as or even lower than rental payments.
  • Residency Benefits: Owning property can facilitate long-term residency through programs like the Golden Visa, providing stability and security.
  • Customisation: Homeownership allows for customisation and the creation of a home that reflects your lifestyle and preferences.

The best decision will be based on what you require, what you prefer, and what your life goals are.


This was all you needed to know about renting vs buying a property in Dubai. Both offer their distinct advantages and shortfalls. The ultimate choice of whether to rent or buy depends on your life goals and needs.

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