Category: Fintech

5 Benefits of Linking ADSSA Card with Payit

ADSSA, the Abu Dhabi Social Support Authority, is a social welfare and empowerment program in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, UAE, established with a mission to enhance the quality of life for individuals and families in need.

Understanding Money Transfer Operators: Best Way for International Money Transfer

Cross-border transfers support the continuous economic growth and attractiveness of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as a work destination. The UAE has established itself as a hub of thriving economic activity, drawing in a varied spectrum of expats, such as business owners, laborers, and professionals with specialized skills.

Nafis Card: How to View Your Nafis Balance?

Managing your banking needs has leaped simplicity by integrating Nafis Card into the Payit app. No more lengthy processes or complicated steps – just a few clicks, and you’re in control of your finances.

10 Benefits of Linking Nafis Card with the Payit Mobile Wallet App

The Nafis program is a thoughtful initiative by the UAE government to encourage and upskill Emirati talent in the private sector. While the program aims to support Emirati talent in terms of job finding, career development, and skill development programs, it also provides prepaid cards to the program beneficiaries to receive financial benefits smoothly.

Simplifying Money Transfer: How Payit Makes Sending Money to Nepal from UAE a Breeze

The need for efficient and convenient money transfer solutions is more significant than ever. Whether you’re sending money to support your family back in Nepal or covering expenses in Nepal, the process should be as straightforward as possible.

What is Nafis and How Can it Help Nationals?

Nafis is a UAE Program aims to boost the employability and competitiveness of Emirati citizens. As part of the ‘Projects of the 50’, it has a specific goal of creating ample job opportunities for Emiratis in the private sector within the next five years. The UAE government is always keen on bringing prosperity and growth to the nation through offering support to Emirati citizens.

Unemployment Insurance Scheme: How New Employees Can Subscribe?

As of January 1, 2023, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) introduced the Unemployment Insurance Scheme, an initiative to provide financial protection to employees during periods of job loss.
This program provides a lifeline for UAE nationals and residents working in the private sector or federal government,

Enhanced User Experience: Payit App’s New Look

We have recently unveiled a revamped version of their mobile wallet app with a fresh new look and exciting gifts in response to valuable feedback. The goal is constantly improving the in-app experience and adding convenience to make digital transactions delightful and hassle-free experience.

How to Top-up Your Payit Wallet With Bank Transfer?

Having sufficient funds is necessary to enjoy the mobile wallet offers and manage payments. It is of no use if adding money to your mobile wallet isn’t a convenient process. Thus, we have launched another option to top-up your Payit wallet, offering you the comfort of adding money from anywhere, anytime.

Running Out of Cash? 5 Benefits of Using Payit to Pay Your Maids in Dubai

A significant portion of the workforce includes domestic maids and laborers from various corners of the world in the UAE. While the country offers tremendous opportunities and a high standard of living, it also presents unique challenges when it comes to paying wages and managing financial transactions for these essential house helps.