How to Use Nafis Correctly? Do’s and Don’ts of Nafis Program

  • March 11, 2024
  • 04:10 Minutes


The Nafis program is an innovative initiative in the United Arab Emirates that aims to enhance employment opportunities for Emiratis. It encourages government and private sector collaboration to create a sustainable and inclusive workforce.

With its focus on Public-Private Partnerships, upskilling Emiratis, ensuring equality in employment, and improving employment opportunities, Nafis has become a game-changer in the UAE’s job market.

This article discusses what the Nafis program is and the dos and don’ts to make the most of it for businesses.

How to Use Nafis Correctly in UAE?

To unlock the full potential of the Nafis program, it is essential to understand how to use it correctly. Here are steps that can help businesses:

Register Your Company

To participate in the Nafis program, employers need to register their companies on the platform. This registration process ensures that your company is recognised as a supporter of Emiratisation and is committed to providing employment opportunities to Emiratis.

This also helps in easy and quicker disbursals of financial support from the government, such as pension contributions to employees.

Adhere to Emiratisation Mandates

The Nafis program is aligned with the Emiratisation mandates set by the UAE government. Employers must adhere to these mandates and actively contribute to the Emiratisation efforts.

This includes setting Emiratisation targets, providing training and development opportunities to Emirati employees, and implementing fair recruitment practices. By complying with these mandates, you not only support the Nafis program but also contribute to the overall growth and development of the UAE.

Post Vacancies on the Nafis Platform

One of the key benefits of the Nafis program is access to a wide pool of talented Emirati job seekers. Post your company’s vacancies on the Nafis platform to leverage this advantage.

This helps Emiratis to find suitable employment opportunities and increases the chances of finding the right candidate for your company.

Maintain Transparency in Salary Structure

Transparency is important in the Nafis program. As an employer, providing clear and accurate information about the salary structure of the positions you offer is essential. This ensures that Emirati job seekers have a complete understanding of the financial aspects of the job and can make informed decisions.

Avoid any misleading or vague information that could create confusion or dissatisfaction among potential candidates and can cause consequences in terms of penalties. 

What Are the Don’ts of the Nafis Program?

Here are the top don’ts of the Nafis program:

Misusing Salary Top-Ups

The Nafis program provides salary top-ups to Emiratis employed in the private sector. These top-ups bridge the gap between market salaries and Emirati employee expectations.

For example, Individuals earning less than Dh20,000 receive different allowances based on their educational background. University graduates up to Dh7,000, diploma graduates up to Dh6,000, and high school or lower graduates up to Dh5,000. The allowances vary for those earning between Dh20,000 and Dh30,000, with university graduates receiving up to Dh3,500, diploma graduates up to Dh3,000, and high school or lower graduates Dh2,500.

However, many companies avoid paying appropriate salaries stating why the government would provide top-ups. This must be avoided.

Ignoring Equal Employment Opportunities

Equality in employment is a fundamental principle of the Nafis program. Employers need to provide equal employment opportunities to all Emiratis, regardless of their gender, age, or background.

Discrimination or bias in the recruitment process goes against the core values of the Nafis program and undermines its objectives. Treat all candidates fairly and evaluate them based on their qualifications and skills.

Effective June 2023, private companies that do not meet their Emiratisation quotas face fines of AED 6,000 for every Emirati employment position left unfilled. Additionally, companies with 50 or more employees must raise their Emiratisation percentage by 2% each year. As a result, businesses should avoid this.

Inflating Emiratisation Numbers

Some employers inflate their Emiratisation numbers to meet the program’s targets or gain financial incentives. However, this practice is highly discouraged as it undermines the integrity of the Nafis program.

Emiratisation should be a genuine effort to promote the employment of Emiratis and contribute to their growth and development. Falsifying data or manipulating statistics not only damages the reputation of the program but also hinders the progress of Emiratisation in the UAE.

Don’t Mislead Candidates About Salary

Honesty and transparency are crucial when communicating salaries with potential candidates. It is essential to provide accurate information about the salary structure, including any additional benefits or allowances.

Misleading candidates about their salary can lead to dissatisfaction and attrition in the long run. Be upfront and clear about the financial aspects of the job to ensure a mutually beneficial employment relationship.

Link Nafis Card with the Payit App

Link your Nafis card with the Payit app to get all the updates in just one tap. When you link your Nafis card with the app, here’s what you can do:

  • Real-time Nafis Card Balance Check
  • International Money Transfers to 200+ Countries
  • Seamless Linking
  • Competitive Exchange Rates
  • Blazing Fast Transactions
  • Convenient 24×7 Service
  • Exclusive Offers and Rewards
  • All-in-One Utility Bill Payments
  • Split Bills with Ease
  • Thoughtful Gifting with eGifts & Vouchers

Link your Nafis card now! Download the Payit app.